Cat Show. 08/27/2021
VG: The summer is over, the heat wave continues, bugs multiply, teaching starts in a few days. In short, no good news to report. Unless you are a hard core Republican and are happy with Biden’s fiasco in Afghanistan.
Alice: You don’t need to be a Republican to be happy about it. The war was stupid, and stopping it is always worth the price. In fact, if you recall the words of our famous foreign policy pundit, Madeleine Albright, “it is worth it.” These glorious words has long been the mantra of our valiant Democratic party. Whatever losses are experienced on the way –it is the losses that concern mostly those Iraqis, Afghanis and other deplorables. And these losses are definitely worth it.
HOBBS: Sure. Albright had learned this mantra from her amazing teacher and brilliant Democratic strategist, Brzezinski: messing up things in Afghanistan, setting up traps for Soviets, arming the murderous maniacs with the most sophisticated weapons - -it is all worth it. And so is everything else, as long as it enables the Western freedom to vanquish Russo-Communist slavery. Nobody has actually seen or enjoyed this freedom in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine or Georgia, except for the most cynical of the crooks, but the triumph of freedom over slavery always makes for such a great soundbite, that it is surely worth it.
VG: It always strikes me how elitist American foreign and even domestic policies are, despite their bold embrace of democratic rhetoric. So a bunch of rich, ambitious, educated and aggressive Brits, Russians, Poles, Cubans or Venezuelans ran away from their countries and complain about forced equality, inefficient economy, stifling of private initiative and so on. All true, by the way, so if you are a cutthroat shark, like Ayn Rand or Solzhenitsyn, you have the right to complain about socialism and glorify individual initiative. If you are an Olympic champion, you are right to complain about the practice that asks you to run, swim, or lift as little as an average Joe on the couch-potato diet. But maybe truly democratic system should make sure that this Joe is doing sports, rather than letting an Olympian to win another medal.
ALICE: I totally disagree! According to another immortal leader of our Party, Hillary, nobody needs that many deplorables. Protecting the earth and the climate from the deplorables is the task of the new Democrats. We need just a few of deplorables, as the tokens, who would go on TV once in a while, and thank Democrats for the wonderful job they are doing in protecting Oklahoma or Idaho from all sorts of natural disasters. So why are you suggesting sports for everyone, good diet for everyone, good medicine for everyone? What will happen to the mother earth if we try to do that? And by the way, on this one, we Democrats are totally in sync with Republicans. Except Republicans think that it is fine for you to drown if you never learned to swim as opposed to their children who grew up in the house with a swimming pool. While we, Democrats, are much smarter. We believe that if we go around the world, and find talented ambitious kids, bring them here and teach them to swim, they will get a lot of medals for us. And the rest of the local losers can drown happily, knowing that some people of their color, gender, and sexual orientation, are succeeding in America. It is all worth it.
HOBBS: So we are basically talking about either local or global elitism. Republicans want to perpetuate local aristocracy, Democrats are pushing for the global one. Not sure, which one is more disgusting and unfair. In terms of the impact upon the world, I would say that the elitist global agenda is much more dangerous, because it tries to reshape the whole world in its own image, as opposed to some corrupt oil man somewhere in Texas, who just wants to run his little town the way his parents used to run it.
ALICE: Whatever you say, does not apply to our glorious leader, Biden. That’s the point, that he wants to limit the global ambitions. He wants to withdraw from Afghanistan. He does not even want to bring the local elites, that is, the most crooked, dishonest, and ambitious people of Afghanistan back here to the States. US always brings the local elites in, from Nazis to Ukrainians and from Vietnamese to Cubans, we’ve always provide shelter to them, but not this time. Some people might blame this bold decision on Biden’s senility, but I see a great wisdom and great vision in it. It is a win-win situation. If Taliban captures and executes them, and plunges the country back into a stone age, it will be good for environment. If they manage to infiltrate and corrupt Taliban and introduce American cutthroat capitalism upon their mountains, it will be equally good both for environment and geopolitics. We’ll acquire an economic ally, which will get rid of the access of population while messing things up for Chinese and Russians.
VG: Alice, thanks for this brilliant analysis. You fully internalized the thinking of three greatest Democratic minds: Brzezinski, Albright and Clinton, and therefore, explain to us their strategy as no other. I am afraid that in order to win, Republicans will have to shape up and hone their skills. As of now, neither their rhetorical skills, nor their cynicism can compete. Their lazy slogans about illegal emigration, corrupting socialism and guns for the masses, wouldn’t get them anywhere. They now find themselves in the position of a person they have zero sympathy for: lazy couch potato Joe, not ready for the big time. It will be interesting to watch how they are going to weasel out of this situation. And if they don't... well, it will be good for the environment.