Cat Show 3/19/21
VG: Well, what an easy week for all of us! Political commentators, similar to the rest of the mass media, are raking it in. First, there was Trump and his outrage of the week. Now it is Biden, who pulls one stunt after another, dazzling the world with his physical escapades and strength of opinions.
ALICE: If you are talking about Biden agreeing with Stephanopoulos that Putin is a killer – who wouldn’t agree with Stephanopoulos? I remember when he and Bill Clinton and James Carville were discussing Democratic Party agenda, I couldn’t take my eyes off the first two – great guys and Rhodes Scholars to boot. Carville never struck my fancy, but I’ve heard from some local snakes in our garden, they found him irresistible.
HOBBS: Alice, that’s not an answer. Stephanopoulos was simply airing the one of the oldest clichés of the post war period. Russians don’t make anything. They know only two colors, gray and red. They are all brutal thugs and killers, who abuse their population by making it work at the gas station, while pretending they are living in a real country.
ALICE: I agree that one does not need the intelligence of a Rhodes scholar to make such dismissals of a unique country and its culture. But then again, maybe it does. That’s what Rhodes did after all: British supremacy, the Eton Man’s burden and so on. Furthermore, one of the foundational myths of the United States is to dismiss the culture of their émigré fathers. Stephanopoulos father was an Orthodox priest, so what would Stephanopoulos do? Mock the largest Orthodox country and its leader who’s presided over construction and restoration of many more churches than Bolsheviks had destroyed.
VG: You both made good points. It is sad that Democrats are stuck in Clintonism, a slave factory masquerading itself as a Politically Correct Paradise, but then again, with Clintonistas in all the positions of power, what does one to expect? Clintonistas run the media, the government, the intelligence services. They got it all figured out. So far there were two serious threats to Clintonistas: Trump and Putin. With Trump is gone, time to concentrate on another. There are American people, of course, but those are too self-preoccupied to notice anything.
ALICE: I would not dismiss Clintonism so fast. It resulted in tremendous progress. The other day, Biden called Kamala – President Harris. That’s a very important Freudian slip, I’d say. It is his unconscious acknowledgment that women, and women of color in particular– have arrived. It was a glorious moment and it gave hope to everyone, as Biden had dutifully noticed. Let me quote this earth-shaking admission in full: “"When President Harris and I took ... Biden said, before momentarily pausing --a virtual tour of a vaccination site in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that tour injecting people, giving vax each shot, was like administering a dose of hope."
HOBBS: Sure, when you vax the shots, or shoots the vax, you give everyone a dose of hope. Needless to say, some people need a double shot to get really hopeful. Maybe that’s what Russia needs as well in order to get on the good side of Biden. A double shot of Arizona vaccines plus the moral lessons from an Orthodox Greek who got a kick out of his boss bombing the hell out of Serbia, and who thinks that replacing Orthodoxy with Cecil Rhodes philosophy would turn those backward countries like Russia into model Democrats.
ALICE: I don’t understand your ire at St. George. After all, the conservative darling, Bill O’Reilly, asked Trump the same question, about Putin being a killer. All these journalists are simply doing their job of reminding Americans of another fundamental fact of their history. Killers are only out there – in the old country. Yes, we do have here some periodical mass shootings done by the deranged individuals, or some individual murders carried out by the deranged cops, but it is not systemic. We have systemic racism, systemic homophobia and systemic sexism, while other countries have systemic political killings. And this fundamental difference has to be driven home again and again. A dose of this fact a day, gives Americans a doze of hope. Plus don’t forget that our country was based not just on systemic racism, but also on systemic hope.
HOBBS: As opposed to systemic killings and systemic despair of the non-NATO countries. Now I understand while people rushed to get into NATO. Systemic hope and systemic racism are much more preferable to despair.
VG: Alice and Hobbs, you are forgetting about another systemic issue that plagues both NATO and non-NATO. Systemic bullshit. I wonder how would you compare the two?
HOBBS: I’d say, the westerners are much more sophisticated with their BS. Look at what have started our conversation. You really have to believe your own BS when you preside over the greatest military-industrial complex in the world, initiate endless wars, place your military bases in every remote part of the world – to call others --the killers.
ALICE: I don’t agree at all. We only have half of our population not believing our government. Democrats don’t believe Trump, Republicans – Biden. While at least 70% of Russians believe Putin. So who is a greater BS artist?
VG: Well, we are out of time. But the audience is more than welcome to comment online on Alice’s sophistry, which is surely worthy of a Rhodes scholar. You clearly learned a lot from your gurus, dear Alice!