Cat Show. 4/16/2021
VG: It does not happen frequently that the former politics or history players return to the world stage. But when they do, it usually turns ugly. It can be farce following tragedy, if we believe Marx, or it can be “they didn’t learn anything nor did they forget anything,” if we trust the French, who’ve witnessed the restoration of Bourbons after the cataclysms of French Revolution and Napoleon. I have a feeling, that we have another set of Bourbon in Washington right now. The deranged Democrats were given a chance to experience their wet dream of Obama restoration. And it is unfolding right now in front of our own eyes.
ALICE: Since when the return to normalcy and sanity is called the restoration of Bourbons? I wish it were Obama who would return, but I hear that after he’s bought himself a 15 million dollar home in Martha’s Vineyard, he is not interested. What a glorious times it was when he was in Washington. Intelligent, good looking, polite, and smooth leader of the Free World. Revolutions of dignity unfolding everywhere, from Ukraine to Islamic State. Autocrats all over the world shaking in their boots, knowing that there is only one indispensable nation lead by its indispensable leaders, like Albright and Clintons, and Obama and Biden.
HOBBS: Alice. You can’t be serious. You know well that things change. You can’t walk into the same litter box twice as was observed already by the Heraclitus’ Cat. People who use the same rhetoric or the same approach to changing circumstances are known as fools. Cats, on the other hand, are expected to be smart and nimble. We can’t afford to be dumb and lazy as most of the dogs are. Just look around the world. Right here Biden brings all those discredited fools back to the State Department and other positions of power. In Ukraine, hatred, violence, aggression and impotent rage are back again, unraveling even further this ungovernable nation. In Poland, the Catholic Russophobic fanatics are back in power, bringing back the worst excesses of both Catholics and Soviets. Banning everything, censoring, harassing dissidents, triumphantly and self-righteously pontificating in the worst manner of Soviets. I hear from one Polish cat, that even Soviet Krokodil circa 1950s would squirm publishing today’s exposes that Polish pro-government press is printing.
VG: Indeed. Censorship has returned. Cold War has returned. Hatred, xenophobia, and scapegoating have return. Hypocrisy and moral certainty have returned. Russophobia is back in the full swing. All these are sloppily camouflaged by PC rhetoric, but even this is not new. Camouflaging naked aggression and greed through PC rhetoric was the great art perfected already by Clintons and Obama. They are back in central court, of course.
ALICE: You two refuse to understand that the world had experienced the biggest setback in history under Trump. It was like the worst pandemic ever. We are now recovering from it. Everyone is recovering from it. China, Europe, North Korea, Great Britain. With the exception of Putin and Netanyahu, both of whom have clearly benefited from Trump’s incompetence, the rest of the world is rejoicing in this return. No more racism, no more corruption, no more nepotism. If you view the medical recovery as the Bourbon return, it is obviously you who didn’t learn anything.
HOBBS: There are some good news about these returns. We know that McCain is not returning. Nor would Bolton or Pompeo. Not sure, Epstein or Weinstein will be back, even though there are plenty of others, where these two came from. I hear, prince Andrew is changing his name to Windsorstein and buying himself a little island, as he inherited some money from his dad. Furthermore, Hollywood is not returning to white men in shady rooms routine making films about other white men. I hear that Frances McDormand has hired the whole team of non-males to make more films about No-men falling apart, feeling lonely, dying, getting off the grid, and doing all sorts of things that only men used to do in old movies. In fact, I am afraid, that pretty soon, this Frances would call you, Vladimir, and demand that I’ll be replaced by some female curmudgeon.
ALICE: You’ll be fine, Hobbs, due to you being a black cat, and therefore belonging to the historically abused segment of cat’s population. But in all fairness, we have to think about the ratings, and Vladimir simply does not cut it with today’s multi-ethnic multi-gender audience. Of course, he can claim to be a so-called FirstGen, but in that case he has to develop Spanish accent. Being Spanish is very cool. Remember how the wife of one of those Hollywood Baldwins called herself Hilaria and pretended to be Latina even though she was born in Boston as Hilary. So that’s what Vladimir has to do. Vladimiro sounds so romantic!
VG: Nice try, Alice, to subvert a serious conversation about Biden-Bourbon into something ridiculous and inconsequential. You know yourself that you don’t pour new wine into old wine-skins. What’s this spasmodic need to announce “we are back”? The fools that were brought back by Biden are no Schwarzeneggers. Inciting Ukraine, provoking Russia, lecturing China, and acting as if nothing has changed during the last two decades is both silly and dangerous. So sooner or later Biden will vaccinate 70% of the population. And would make few more politically correct appointments. I don’t expect anything else from his Bourbon government. I wonder if Putin should even bother to meet with him, after all this nonsense that Biden has already generated.
HOBBS: Putin will. He likes to act like a statesman. But in general, keep in mind that Biden has just got started, and he won’t settle just on restoration. There will be plenty of new and first. And not just the new diplomatic strategy of calling someone a killer, and then inviting him for the discussion. Do you think only white males conduct mass shootings? Just wait till Biden appoint a task force to remedy it. Same applies to the invasions and bombings and government overthrows, which has been the domain of whities for too long. It is high time we start practicing what we preach, that is, diversity and inclusion. Too bad Trump had this female torturer in charge of CIA, beating Biden to that. And don’t forget that it was a woman who was the first in the history of the police-force to confuse Taser with a gun and kill a suspect.
VG: Well, all I can say, we’ll be back next week.