Cat Show. 6/11/2021
VG: As I came up with another nasty case of poison ivy, you guys will have to do all the talking. The only thing I followed this week was the impact of all sorts of steroids, or the cleansing effects of Jewel Weed, and all other medical news which should not be concern of thoughtful people. But then again, the medicine is a giant business, which holds an absolute power in the western world. And we all know what an absolute power does to you.
ALICE: If you guys intend to ramble on about Faucian bargain that the western world had made with the medical establishment, I don’t want to be part of the discussion. I have a reputation to maintain. We, the liberals, get our instructions from Rachel Maddow, the smartest gal on TV, who every evening informs us as to what is currently cool or kosher. Therefore, by no means we are expected to question medical establishment, nor any other establishment! The only thing we need to question daily is the Vast, Giant Conspiracy of the Fox News, that involves all the malcontents of the world, from Trump, Putin, Tucker Carlson and all the way to the smallest propagator of alternative, that is, fake news.
HOBBS: Wow, Alice! How can a smartest gal be so simplistic. Fake news vs Maddow. What kind of world do you guys inhabit, when this total degeneration of the Anglo-Saxon Atlantic Establishment, that at one time was represented by Churchill and Roosevelt, and now got reincarnated as the newly cemented friendship between loose-tongue cynical fatty and a tied-tongue robotic dimwit, is presented as truth? There is more truth in the word confefe concocted by Trump.
VG: Well, in all fairness, not everything Biden does is a lie. When he stumbles in his speech or on the stairs, it is not a lie. Nor is it a lie when he says that he supports Ukraine. Even when the European Football organization tells Ukrainian national team that they can wear the slogan, with which Ukrainian Nazi collaborators used to greet each other, on their uniform, American Embassy in Kiev flaunts these uniforms in support of Ukrainian democracy and progress. If that’s not support and commitment, I don’t know which is. Biden, after all, committed his own son to support the cause of Ukrainian model of economic development. How more truthful can one get?
HOBBS: What kind of model is this? Bribes, corruption, and nationalistic, anti-socialist agenda. You bet, Anglos are very much committed to this model. Ever since Cecil Rhodes if not earlier. I remember a few years ago, a brilliant Russian historian, Stephen Cohen, decided to establish a scholarship for anyone doing promising research in Slavic field. Boy, what a hullabaloo he has started. All the dimwitted followers of Maddow, including Alice, began to scream that it is a shame to have a scholarship in the name of the notorious Putin apologist, Cohen. Yet, it is a badge of honor to flaunt the scholarship in the name of the virulent racist and major conspirasist, like Rhodes. All sorts of Clintons and Maddows wear their Rhodes scholarship as a badge of honor. So it is not surprising that US Embassy personnel in Kiev want to wear the similar uniform in support of current crop of baby-Rhodes: petty Ukrainian racists.
ALICE: There are major issues that face humanity: Pandemic, climate, cyber-attacks, the rise of authoritarianism in China and Russia. And you guys are rambling about Cecil Rhodes and his scholarship. No wonder you have no credibility. Why do you want to rediscover the wheel? The flow of money, the flow of weapons, the flow of information and entertainment is all controlled by this wonderful and democratic nexus embodied by Boris and Natasha, sorry, by Boris and Kamala, since it is clear that Biden is grooming Kamala for this role. Why look for truth elsewhere? It is a waste of time for everyone with intelligence.
HOBBS: It is you who is wasting time, Alice, believing the nonsense they all spin. As Brits missed the rise of Germany in XIX century, fixated as they were on Russia, so did Americans in XX century. Fixated on Russia, they missed, in fact, encouraged the rise of China. And now they are caught with their pants down, exactly as one of those Rhodes scholars has done relatively recently. And sure enough, rather than owing up to their obsessions and stupidity, they keep on blaming and demonizing others and exploiting real or invented diversions. But reality has the tendency to stare in the face of its most avid deniers. So Maddow and her handlers in the State Department can go on about Russia forever. They can waste endless amount of virtual space on the meaningless slogans slapped after every post or article: “for the true info on Russia, China, medicine, climate and all other proper positions please consult the latest update of your friendly news corporation.” That won’t change reality. You can’t fool all the people all of the time.
ALICE: Nobody is fooling the people. Nobody is forcing them to believe anything. There are reputable sources of information, like major TV stations, WaPo, NYT and there are Alex Jones types. Intelligent people are smart enough to make their choice.
VG: So what I hear from you, is that the meeting between Biden and Putin, will be another waste of time, or rather, another performance. Biden would continue casting Putin as the arch-enemy, a dangerous pariah, to whom only Anglo-American alliance can provide a counterbalance. And Putin would humor Biden and let him ramble on as long as Russia follows its interests and policies, both economic and political. The pressing, if not the only need of the XXI century, as to how we all can peacefully inhabit this ever-shrinking globe won’t be addressed. Well, reality is a great teacher. We just have to wait and be patient, as I am learning to do having to deal with the burning itch of the poison ivy.