Prince Bullshit And Princess Lie

When my son was young, I used to make up a lot of fairy tales for him. Now he does not have much time for most of the things I have to say, so no more fairy tales. But the old habits die hard.
Once upon a time there were two kingdoms. One, more or less poor, had a prince, called Bullshit, another, had a beautiful princess, named Lie. Bullshit fell in love with Lie very fast, but Lie was hesitant, there were other princes, called Rich, or Oil, so she was thinking. Yet, Bullshit managed to impress her with his looks, great manners, dashing behavior, and eventually she said yes. Bullshit was particularly fascinated with Lie, because she resisted him for so long, it was so easy to impress others, but Lie, of course, could see through certain tricks of his.
In any case, they got married, and began to produce a lot of children. They actually loved each other, admiring each other abilities. Shakespeare knew this fascination when he wrote a sonnet about "I lie with her and she with me." So this lying surely help to create the little ones, whom they gave wonderful names, like Mass Media, or NYT, or Think Tank, or Politics, or Brookings Institute, and American Enterprise Institute. Some of the names were more realistic, be it Jenner and Kardashian, or Clinton, or Yatseniuk, or Psaki. Obscure as these names might be, they all had a secret meaning, that meant more or less the same thing, "I might be a man or a woman, but I have enough balls to lie." One of the most obnoxious and intelligent children was called Political Correctness. And his aim was to destroy all knowledge and wisdom among the population. By claiming that all previous knowledge is based on exploitation and abuse, PC guy managed to get good books abandoned; the treasure of wise men experience, amassed tear by tear, was burned, replaced by various bullshit stories. Consequently, it became very easy for the young princes and princesses to succeed.
Bullshit and Lie loved their children and wanted them to succeed, and get on the very top of their professions. So they asked their relatives --magicians, named Fear and Sexy, to be the guardian angels for the children. So with the help of these guardians, the children really prosper, and eventually took control of the whole world.
And then they became bored and scared of each other. Like spiders in the jar, they began to attack each other, and fall victims to their own devices. So at one moment, those who survived rushed to their patriarchs, and asked. We are so helpless, we destroy each other, we cannot see reality, we are beguiled by Lies and Bullshit, and we are dying.
Well, said the parents, there was this couple who at certain moment resisted us, what was their name? .. or yes, they were called Experience and Knowledge. I remember we exiled them at some distant island in the North. Maybe you guys should invite them back. But the travel there would be difficult, you will have to undergo a lot of suffering, to gain a lot of experience and knowledge to find your way to this island. Are you ready?


A Story of Modern Age Cinderella


A Fairy Tale for The Computer Age