Western Lies that Just Won't Go Away
So for years, we've been fed the NATO/Clinton concocted story of evil Serbs and freedom loving Kosovo Albanians. All despite endless violence and destruction that the Kosovo militants had imposed upon the Serbian population of the region. Destroying ancient churches, torture, murder, organ trafficking. You name that, they've done that. But they are US allies, NATO builds the biggest military base in Europe there, Albright makes money off it, so who cares?
Well, now the Kosovo president is indicted for crimes against humanity by a western court. Even for westerners, these outrages proved too disgusting to swipe under the carpet.
Same can be said about Ukraine since 2014. So called, great success of Democracy ushered in by a truly Teflon president, Obama and his sidekick from Corrupt Division of Democratic Party, Joe Biden.
Strange, not to say, illegal, overthrow of the government, civil war in the east, accompanied by the brutal murder of the civilians, along with displacement, despair, and desolation of the region. Dismantling of most of the social institution in Ukraine, robbery, lawlessness, murder of journalists, glorification of nazi ancestors. You name it, they've done it. Again, totally ignored by western media and western attention, which is focused on imaginary Russian interference.
Now, Galina Tretiakova, their top politician in charge of social policies makes her own modest proposal as to how to solve the problems of poverty in Ukraine: poor people should be sterilized. According to her, poor produce a low quality human material in any case, so who needs it? One just hopes that this blatantly fascist rhetoric would wake up some westerners who are not zombified yet.
Exactly, like 150 years ago, Disraeli tried to convince the whole world that what's happening in Ottoman Empire, was not a big deal. Just a few Slavs got disciplined by the staunch Western allies -- the Turks. Until the news about the atrocities, about the murder and mayhem imposed upon poor Bulgarians and Serbs became so disturbing, that it became a political issue that enabled Gladstone to unseat Disraeli.
I am sure that sooner or later there would appear some politicians of integrity who would put an end to these cynical neoliberal policies of the West. I just can't imagine that these atrocities would be tolerated for ever.