Wars And The Loss of Common Sense
We all know that wars provoke patriotism, jingoism, national hatreds and other kinds of evil emotions.
But they also kill common sense. They turn people into maniacs who are more than willing to call white--black, view evil as good, or consider violence and destruction committed by their side as the action beneficial to mankind. "We’ve destroyed this village in order to save it." That type of thing.
The Ukrainian War is no different. In fact, the amount of absurdities that it has generated seem to surpass many other wars. Modern technology surely contributes to the process, but also the simple fact that the collective west tries to sell this war to its citizens, people who --with the exception of Canada--never heard of Ukraine and have very little idea as to what’s it is all about and why should they care.
How do you make it real to the population, to all these people in EU, Japan, or United States, to people who have much more pressing needs on their plates, and who'd rather use the billion dollars connected to the transfer of lethal weapon to the region, on some domestic needs.
So to sell it, western governments have to present the conflict in the most simplistic terms, they have to resort to the most blatant propaganda, and they have to suppress all the opposing points of view. In short, you have to magnify the absurdities to the N-th degree.
So what are these absurdities we are talking about? To name just a few, but the list can obviously be expanded.
1. Boris Johnson accuses Putin in "toxic masculinity" and declares that had Putin been a woman, the war wouldn't have started. So this product of British public schools -- the mother of all "toxic masculinity" known to man— and the person whose toxicity is evident to anyone except himself, makes this absurd pronouncement and its absurdity is simply ignored by the subservient British press.
2. Green parties of Germany and Holland are now pushing for the coal as the source of energy and the viable alternative for the "Russian gas." Coal, my friends. You don't have to be green to know how bad it is for the environment. So let's use toxic materials to poison the earth only to punish the toxic masculinity of Putin. Brilliant!
3. NATO, the aggressive conglomeration that wages endless wars, that has been training Ukrainian army since 2014, that keeps on expanding and pushing its missiles into Russia's nose, keeps on referring to itself as a "defensive organization." But of course.
4. The United States, the country that has about 750 bases around the world, the country that has been engaged in wars for the 97% of its existence, the country that bullies its immediate and distant neighbors and threatens any country on the globe, declares that its mission is to stand up to the bullies and defend a little guy. Sure. And this most primitive and most obvious tactics of a school yard bully not only is not recognized, but is emulated all over the world.
5. As many other countries and nations that sympathized with Nazi project of Jewish extermination (Poland, Baltics and so on), Ukrainian people contributed mightily to the effort. To the tune of 25%, that is, 1.5 million Jewish deaths occurred on Ukrainian territory. This operation was facilitated by Nazi collaborators, who actually were more numerous that the German soldiers assigned to the task. Fine, we can say, it happened in a number of countries. But now, Ukraine is the only country in the world that openly glorifies those collaborators and wastes its meager resources on building monuments to their honor, while building national ideology on their writings. In the meantime, the Jews all over the world, Israel including, fall over backwards in their support of the country who is "resisting the bully." If you find it confusing, please remember that bully is the one whom United States has declared “a bully.”
6. Don't think that this Nazi collaborators and their leaders were only after Jewish blood. They butchered endless amount of Poles, the butchery which is well documented and studied by Polish and other scholars. “So what?”-- say the Poles. We are standing with Ukraine against the bullies. And yes, remember, that bully is the one whom the biggest bully on earth has called “a bully.”
7. The free media of the so called free world has convinced itself that giving a free uncritical platform to their local and Ukrainian politicians, and letting them freely spew out their lies and propaganda is the height of freedom, while anyone who questions it, is the tyrant's stooge. Logical. Sure. Orwell himself had observed, that "war is peace and tyranny is freedom", and of all people Orwell should know.
8. The champion of the little guy, the defender of marginalized and unjustly accused, the glorious west, has marginalized, sanctioned, taken away freedoms, and has treated like pariahs millions of Russians. Common people, artists, athletes, scholars. And that does not raise a brow at all. Of course, it is all so logical.
One concludes that there is linear logic, non-linear logic, and the American logic of "we destroyed this village in order to save it." And the western world is smart enough to follow the American logic. You know, when you are in the school yard, you have to agree with the logic of the biggest bully. And that"s what Winston Smith has learned when he finally figured out that two by two is equal to whatever Big Brother wants it to be equal to.