Cat Show 11/13/2020

VG: Well, the date speaks for itself. Drizzly November in our souls. Plus 2020, plus the 13-th. Don’t see much to cheer about. Even the joy of Alice who’s already recovered and has enough strength to dance in front of Biden portrait every day, does not really cheer me up.

ALICE: It is all because you imagine things, instead of looking at them objectively. The greatest threat to our democracy is almost gone. The wannabe dictator and fascist is going to be removed from the White House sooner or later. We are restoring decency to our domestic and foreign policy. People – even our adversaries, and there are plenty of them, since they all envy us our freedoms and our democracy – are respecting us again. Even countries like Poland, Baltic Republics, and Israel are telling us that they used to love us before, but now they are respecting us as well. What’s there not to cheer?

HOBBS: Well, if you put it this way… I would add though, that Merkel, Macron, and Johnson are echoing this, saying: “We used to respect you, but now, once you embraced progressive liberal values again, we love you.” Of course, countries like Russia and China are rather skeptical. They still remember the times when crowds of young people screamed and yelled at the old people accusing, if not beating, them for failing to embrace the new progressive values or for embracing them too slowly. According to Michael Schoenhals’ China’s Cultural Revolution, “as violence engulfed the capital, an editorial in the party journal fanned the flames.… The Red Guards have ruthlessly castigated, exposed, criticized and repudiated the decadent, reactionary culture of the bourgeoisie … landing them in the position of rats running across the street and being chased by all.” Yet, for today's progressives — what do these authoritarian, corrupt and semi-communist countries know? They were called axis of evil for a reason. No wonder they are so slow to congratulate Biden on his victory.

VG: Funny, the term "axis of evil" was coined by a dirty-minded republican, David Frum, the speech writer of one of the Bushes. Now he is a dirty minded Democrat peddling his paranoia on NYT. And people still take this turncoat seriously. What I see happening is that we, as a society, as the people of the earth, can’t really deal with afflictions when all of them attack us. We might develop herd immunity toward fascism and tyranny. So any slight symptom provokes a violent reaction as our collective immune system is trying to push back. But I don’t see the same immunity toward lies and propaganda. We saw it destroying the minds of a whole nation, be it under Goebbels, Stalin or Mao. And yet, a rather blatant lies which we hear daily from western mass media produces nothing. BS and paranoia is spread with the speed of covid, and society is helpless.

HOBBS: Interesting image. So you are telling me that you got some sort of vaccination and therefore immunity under Brezhnev and therefore you don’t fall prey to the illness that infects the weaker minds like those of Alice or the Hóng Wèibīng of the Democratic National Committee. Here is what one Chinese woman who were not vaccinated, had observed of the period: “We became Red Guards [because] we all shared the belief that we would die to protect Chairman Mao… Even though it might be dangerous, that was absolutely what we had to do. Everything I had been taught told me that Chairman Mao was closer to us than our mums and dads. Without Chairman Mao, we would have nothing.” So now we have Alice ready to defend Biden against anyone, including you and me. Just look at her angry face.

ALICE: This is a blatant lie. You are talking about crazy Trump supporters, ready to kill for the sake of this corrupt monster, as we saw happening all over the country. You simply don’t understand the danger of the reactionary decadent culture of the sexist and racist pigs who refuse to embrace the new brave world of equality and progress. Vladimir, don’t pretend to be that modern and understanding. I saw you shaking your fist every time the image of Hillary, Samantha Power, Madeleine Albright or Victoria Nuland appear on the screen. And these are all progressive accomplished women trying to break the glass ceiling of patriarchy. You and Hobbs are not fooling me. I have my share of vaccination and immunity from sexism in this reactionary and patriarchal household.

VG: Yes, Alice just proves my point. We just can’t handle all the diseases at once. So fine, now the majority of us are sensitive and have immunity against rampant sexism and racism. But still no cure from lies and BS! It is enough for any demagogue to start talking the politically correct talk, and she is immediately a toast of the town. Like this faker, Kamala Harris, whom the cultural revolutionaries of Democratic Party view as a messiah.

ALICE: We also don’t have any immunity against dangerous populists and demagogues like Trump, as we’ve witnessed during the last few years. There are a lot of issues that we have to confront. But I fully trust my Chairman Biden and Chairlady, Harris. Under their steady and sane stewardship we’ll reach the shore. That’s what NYT and NPR say, and I have no reason to distrust them. They are the voice of progress, they are the Voice of America. That thought should cheer you all up on this drizzly November morning of Friday 13th.


Cat Show 11/20/20


Cat Show 11/6/2020