Cat Show 2/26/2021

VG: So we are experiencing the day after. Biden has broken his virginity and finally bombed another country. That’s what I would call, “coming out of your basement with a bang.” I am sure it was all done for some good reasons, which his propagandists would readily provide. Still, there is something disturbing about it, which made me think of the words addressed to another Joe: “until this moment ..I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness… You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?"

HOBBS: As a true Democrat who rejects binaries, Biden has never been quite a virgin or non-virgin. In fact, he was in a state of semi-virginity for years, helping Obama in his bombing campaigns, but now he himself had issued an order to bomb. As they would say in Israel, Mazel Tov. I am sure, Alice is elated. Democracy that can’t bomb others is worthless, isn’t it? And remember, Democrats are complex and modern: now they are like war-mongering Republicans, now they are like peace loving Democrats of old. There are fifty shades of war-mongering. Who needs these binary simplifications?

ALICE: Oh, for God’s sake. Our troops were in danger. NATO coalition was in danger. Evil Iran was threatening, as it always does. As a senior statesman, who has just assured Munich Security Conference that the US is back, Biden had to act. We just can’t invite ourselves to another country and then be the subject to criticism, if not actual attacks. If we come, we stay. And if we stay, we bomb. And if we bomb, there are good reasons for that. And these reasons have been since the time immemorial: peace, security, cooperation, and freedom. Until these reasons exist, we have to be willing and ready to bomb.

VG: Alice, is your middle name, Orwell? I understand you guys don’t like simplistic oppositions, like insiders and outsiders, rulers and ruled, capitalists and workers, but you can’t really define the concepts as you move. Now peace is peace, now peace is war. Now information is disinformation (when Russians provide it), now suddenly, disinformation becomes information (when Brits print it using their archaic spelling).

HOBBS: Alice reads Twitter. What do you expect of her? And she knows how the cookie crumbles. The other day, Twitter suspended more than fifty accounts for – I kid you not – “undermining faith in NATO.” So you see. There are fifty shades to anything, except NATO. In this post-modern world of relativism and non-binaries, we need some anchor, some island of solidity and truth. And according to the high priests of Tweeter, this deity of absolute goodness is NATO.

ALICE: You said it yourself, dear Hobbs. We live in a post-modern world. The world created by the generation raised on Harry Potter. The world pervaded by the magic of Zoom, distant hacking, magical poisoning and disappearances, and strange combination of Middle Ages and landing on Mars. You guys will never understand it. But in this world, religion is mocked and challenged, while NATO is declared a new god that nobody can question. In this world, Putin is pronounced a ruthless leader, while his opposition, Navalny, is compared to Harry Potter, a wizard kid born to challenge evil. And that’s according to Fiona Hill, the brightest of Brits, sent to America to enlighten us about the evils of Russia. And in my little red book of feminism it is stated clearly that if anyone named Fanny or Fiona, or Margaret says anything, she should be believed over thousand men. Smart Americans understand that. Reagan listened to Margaret and Nancy. Biden listens to Fiona, Kamala, and the mother of them all, Holy Hillary.

HOBBS: You should also mention the Gray Lady of them all, NYT. I am surprised Twitter didn’t suspend the account of those who undermine the faith in her. Of course, we are talking about at least 75 million people in US alone, but who cares. Extremism in defense of freedom, stability, information, and science is a virtue. Those who dare to challenge it, are bound to learn it hard way. Except it is not working. Of course, there is the Harry Potter US-EU-NATO brigade, as Alice have honestly acknowledged, but outside it, nobody believes in their voodoo scientism. They can retain children of refugees in the same cages as Trump did, while renaming them as the Centers for Free Persons of Unidentifiable Age, Sex, or Legal Status, but cage is a cage. I remember how much you, Alice, were screaming, when Vladimir put you into cage and took you to the vet.

VG: Good point, Hobbs. I tried to reason with Alice that all this is for her own security, and protection, and liberty, and happiness, but she would have none of it. “Let me out of here,” she was screaming, and take this muzzle off my face. And why? Only because I – as a fully conscientious citizen --put a face mask on her for the protection of her and other cats.

ALICE: This mask was unbecoming. You two need masks all the time, but nobody puts a mask on my cute and intelligent face, which in profile looks like that of Kamala Harris, as one admirer has told me. But to return to Biden! You totally misunderstand him and his program. Foreign policy is a tiny, insignificant part of it. Wait till the country gets the promised checks. Of course, he has to deduct money spent on our bombing campaign, so people shouldn’t count on full $2,000 amount, but that would be a start. And then—a long awaited vaccination. The country would be transformed. Remember Lenin, saying that Communism is Soviet Power plus electrification of the whole country. Well, Capitalism is Democratic Power plus vaccination of the whole country. Plus, I would add: Kamala at the helm. That’s how we become the true leaders of the world again.


Cat Show 3/5/2021


Cat Show 2/19/2021